Monday, February 23, 2009

I think I forgot to mention...

That back in Octorber last year, I opened up a new online store at I thought I would trial this new one out to see how I like it.

They were in beta testing so there were some some glitches being worked out and still are a few, but each week they are adding more and more new features and improving the site and so far I am really liking what I see there.

What I really like about Artfire as a selling and buying venue is that you can shop in your own currency and if you are selling there you add your items also in your own currency, the site automatically updates to your own IP address so if you are in Australia the currency will show up in AUDollars which I thought was pretty cool, especially for us Aussie sellers of for anyone outside of the US who is used to selling/buying on ETSY and seeing everything in US dollars. Dont get me wrong I still LOVE ETSY. Its just so cozy there and everything flows so well.

However, I recommend Artfire if you are thinking of selling online and especially if you like shopping in your own currency and there is another new feature I read that they are working on is that anyone can purchase from the site you dont need to open up an account which I think is a clever feature and will make it so much easier for buyers,also with the ability to shop in your own currency it makes it a lot easier than having to use a currency converter all the time!

Here is my shop at Artfire if you would like to take a peek!


Checking my emails this morning while waking up with my lovely cup of coffee (mmmm coffee) and was notified that my 'Crystal Water Sprite' print was added to this Treasury on etsy today!


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